Friday, April 23, 2010

Relieve Back Pain Utilizing an Anti-Burst Core Exercise Ball Or Swiss Ball Chair

I work from home in my home office at my computer. I used to have a sore back at the end of the day even though I would get up periodically to move around and get up and out to run errands. Now, I am more productive during the times I am sitting and working at my computer and have virtually eliminated my back pain! I also find that I am more aware of my posture and no longer slouch over my keyboard.

One of the causes of back pain, according to Dr. Oz, is being sedentary for long periods of time. He said "On average, the body can tolerate being in one position for about 20 minutes before you need to adjust.". This got me thinking about how thankful I was that I no longer use a traditional office chair. I use a big yellow 75cm anti burst core exercise ball. I am 5' 5/12 " tall and feel that this is a good height for me to sit comfortably and work at my computer. I also tried to 65 cm size and found that to be a little too low for me to type comfortably. The stability ball or core exercise ball has a dual purpose. You will improve your posture and stability as well as improve and tone your core, abdominal muscles. There are a multitude of yoga poses and exercises you can also perform on the stability ball. Stability ball exercises include but, are not limited to, the Pelvic Tilt, crunches, push ups, V-ups, Supine Bridge, Russian twist, the Plank, hip extensions and squats. As a more practical alternative, you can also work your core at your computer by using the Health Mark Swiss Ball Chair. Simply rocking side-to-side and rolling the ball in little circles is a perfect solution for exercising at the office on your breaks! Using the ball or the ball chair will not only prevent you from slumping over your desk but will work your core muscles, leg muscles, arm and chest muscles as well.

I also use the wobble disk when I know I am going out will be sitting waiting for longs periods of time for my doctor or office appointments. The Wobble Disk fits neatly on any chair and is easy to pack up and take with me. The nice thing about the wobble disk is that it is not too big or too heavy to take along. I have a variety of purses I use depending on where I am going. Dr. Oz said that "Carrying a handbag that's more than 10 percent of your body weight poses serious health risks for your back..." So I only take what I need depending on where I am going! When used from a sitting position, the Wobble Disk helps activate your back muscles and work your core and may also help prevent yourself from slouching while you sit. I feel good knowing that by sitting on the Wobble Disk may help correct my posture because Dr. Oz said "Slouching Puts 100 Extra Pounds of Stress on the Lower Back". - which may help alleviate prolonged stress on the lower back. The Wobble Disk can be used for a wide range of applications ranging from active sitting, muscle strengthening, joint stabilization, to post natal care. It truly is a 3 in 1 piece of equipment that can benefit anyone from children to the elder generation by combining the advantages of a Gym (Swiss) Ball, Sitting wedge, Wobble Board and Foot Massage. Five minutes on a wobble cushion is approximately equal to a half hour of any other physical activity that involves instability. The recommended usage of the Wobble Disk is to be intermittent; use it for about half an hour at a time, put it aside for a while, and then put it back on the chair. Take it on and off at regular intervals through the day. A variety of positions is the only truly ergonomic occupational posture.

Whether you choose to use the Health Mark Swiss Ball Chair or core exercise ball daily or the Wobble Disk at various times through your day or week the important fact to remember is that either one will help alleviate your lower back pain, strengthen your core muscles and keep you active while you sit. This is also a great idea for a youth or teen bedroom desk area. They may even enjoy sitting down to do their homework! Offering a core ball or swiss ball chair for you child will also help your kids work on rhythm, coordination and balance! Ball therapy is great for any age level and very therapeutic!

Can an Ergonomic Chair Help Reduce Low Back Pain?

Ergonomic chairs are designed to support the sitting pose in a comfortable position for performing activity or work-based tasks.

They are important to use, because they will support the posture of your spine correctly, while you concentrate on performing the task required in the sitting position.

Low back pain is one of the most common ailments in our skeletal body, which is mainly caused by incorrect lifting of an object, poor sitting and standing posture, or a rapid increase in body weight. Any of these causes will put strain on the surrounding muscles and tissues of the spine, whose main purpose is predominantly protective.

An ergonomic chair will help to support your spine when sitting, so that you can concentrate on the productive task at hand, but also include some small movements in your spinal joints.

This may seem like a contradiction to move while sitting, but as a qualified Occupational Therapist, my advice is simple: you need to maintain small simple movements in your spine, for preventing your skeletal joints from "seizing up".

The human skeleton is a well designed machine, which operates on the principles of a mechanical object such as a bicycle. If any parts of the bicycle are not used, then components will stiffen and movement then becomes difficult.

Similarly skeletal joints will lose mobility without adequate movement, because muscles start losing their activation response linked through nerves and the blood supply that connect to associating joints within the spinal column.

An ergonomic chair will help support your back in the correct position, while the surrounding back muscles relax; you will feel safe and supported in a comfortable position.

However, the key to remaining comfortable when sitting in an ergonomic chair is not to remain still in one place.

If you position your body weight over your pelvic bones, when sitting in an ergonomic chair and let your vertebrae remain vertically aligned above the pelvic region. Then your back will remain erect, balanced and comfortable, plus free from pain; because there is no muscular tension used to support the spine in this position.

You can still create movement while sitting in this position.

There are three areas to consider:

1) Your legs - from placing them firmly on the ground, to tucking them behind the seat base (which changes your weight distribution).
2) Your pelvic bones - by lifting one pelvic bone and then the other (which alters the spinal weight distribution).
3) Your upper body - by breathing in and arching your spine, to breathing out and returning to the relaxed position (by stretching your spinal muscles and then relaxing them).

In essence, you have not moved your sitting position, but have created movement in your skeletal joints, simply by modifying the position of sitting on the chair.

In this way your skeletal joints are stimulated by movement through the surrounding muscles. Oxygen flows freely to the tissues, the joints are lubricated and your body continues to feel relaxed and comfortable, for continuing your productive activity.

Ergonomic chairs are therefore necessary for continuing provide safe activity in comfort. Purchasing an ergonomic chair is important, but only part of the equation, as a chair alone will not relieve your back pain. By questioning why you have back pain will help you understand how it can be resolved.

My background as an Occupational Therapist will help correct functional movements through the mission statements of:

• Protect your Joints
• Preserve your Energy &
• Promote your Safety, when using my ergonomic products.

In addition, to purchasing an ergonomic chair, I am offering a free 'Therapeutic Active Living Plan' that will empower safe functional movement through a therapeutic process for active living in daily life.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Cat Litter Dust and Your Health

Cat litter that clumps together around the pet's feces and urine has been a welcome advancement for most pet owners. However, there are those who claim that the litter--particularly its dust--is harmful to their or their pets' health. As with most consumer products, the advancements far outpace our ability to properly gauge their effects on our health; so while we do not definitively understand cat litter's effects on our health, we may still draw conclusions from a fair analysis.

The question of cat litter dust's effects on health revolve particularly around several of its constituents. A type of clay, similar to American bentonite, forms the bulk of the product. When wet, it clumps together to form a solid mass. Its absorbent qualities come partly from this clay, but mostly from an additive, silica dust.

It is thought that breathing in or ingesting these materials could be harmful. The cat will undoubtedly unintentionally ingest some of the cat litter or dust. It is thought that the product could swell inside the cat's digestive system, absorbing its fluids. But others argue that cats are perfectly able to deal with soil, and even clay, within their digestive systems. But breathing in the dust could cause more pronounced problems. If a fine dust were breathed in, it would instantly stick to the inside of the lungs of either a cat or human. Gathering size as it absorbed water, it may become trapped in the lungs, unable to be freed even from the action of violent coughing.

There are some who feel that the dust produces an acute allergic reaction, in addition to the complications described above. Indeed, it is common for people who suffer from allergies to be overly sensitive to every sort of thing, however inert, and so it is very likely that the allergies of some could flare from cat litter dust.

The allergy question aside, it would seem that breathing in the fine dust of the clay and silica is not healthy, and should be avoided. Since the advent of clumping cat litter, a new kind of litter has been introduced that has even better qualities: silica gel litter. It would be advised that this, or another, safer, product, be used instead.

New Study Confirms Vitamin D Benefits For Seasonal Allergy Sufferers

Are there vitamin D benefits for seasonal allergy sufferers? New preliminary studies by Pittsburgh's Allegheny General Hospital say the answer is yes.

The study, which monitored inner city children between six and 12 years of age, indicated that those who experienced allergy and asthma symptoms also had low levels of vitamin D. The key allergy-related benefits of the vitamin are in the way it effects the immune system, the researchers said.

Exposure to allergens and irritants can trigger the immune system to produce chemicals called cytokines, which cause inflammatory allergy symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, and itchy, watery eyes. D vitamin, which has substantial anti-inflammatory properties, helps regulate the production of these chemicals.

The study is slated to continue with clinical trials in Pittsburgh and other cities, in which inner city children will be given supplemental vitamin D. The Pittsburgh researchers said that as yet no therapeutic dosage has been established, and noted that age is only one of several factors that could influence the amount of supplementation needed.

The Pittsburgh study is the latest of many to confirm the connection between D vitamin deficiency and allergies, asthma, and related conditions. A 2008 Harvard Medical School study that included more than 600 asthmatic children concluded that low levels of the vitamin were definitely tied to the frequency and severity of asthma attacks. The Harvard study also showed that children who were deficient in vitamin D were many times more likely to have allergies.

Vitamin D deficiency has been recognized as a serious health problem all over the world. In 2004 the US Federal Government's National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey indicated that only 23% of adults and teens in the US had sufficient blood levels of the vitamin, which is crucial to many aspects of health including bone strength, heart health, and immune function. The deficiency was most pronounced in the African American population, only three percent of whom had adequate blood levels of the vitamin.

In 2008 the American Academy of Pediatrics literally doubled the amount recommended for children from 200 IU to 400 IU per day, starting with the first day of life. Studies by The Center for Global Child Health, headquartered at at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, indicate that more than half of all infants are born with a D vitamin deficiency, and more than a third of all mothers are deficient in the vitamin when they give birth.

Vitamin D in known as the sunshine vitamin because even relatively brief exposure to sun triggers the body to manufacture its own supply. It is found naturally in relatively few foods (primarily oily fish and egg yolks) but a number of food products including milk and other dairy products are fortified with the vitamin.

Some Common Facts About Colds

What Is A Cold?

A cold is often caused by rhinoviruses, this virus name comes from the Greek word Rhin, which means nose. These rhinoviruses are invisible germs that live in the air or on surfaces and basically any of the things you touch. There are more than 100 different rhinoviruses that can slip through your immune system and cause a cold.

How Do You Catch Colds?

Rhinoviruses can live on surfaces or in the air for more than 3 hours. If you wipe or touch your nose or mouth after touching something or someone that is contaminated, you are more likely to catch a cold. Dry air can lower your resistance to colds. So can stress, allergies, not getting enough sleep, and not eating right. People that smoke or people that live with anyone that smokes, have more chance of catching a cold than people that don't smoke. A smoker's cold usually lasts longer, is much worse, and can turn into bronchitis or pneumonia.

Spreading Colds:

People with colds can spread it to other people, if they sneeze, cough, or don't wash their hands. So if you go around people at work, school, etc. you can spread your cold to them. Cold symptoms will normally occur 2 to 3 days when someone gets exposed to it. Someone with a cold is most contagious during the first 3 to 4 days when the cold symptoms have occurred, and can be contagious up to 3 weeks. Most colds clear up after a week.

Facts About Sinusitis

Paranasal sinuses are air-filled spaces within bone. There are four named sinuses and these are the maxillary, frontal, ethmoidal, and sphenoidal sinuses. These sinuses are named after the bones in which they are located. The paranasal sinuses open into the nasal cavity and are lined with a mucus membrane. There are three primary functions of the sinuses. First, they decrease the weight of the skull. Second, they produce mucus. And third, they also affect the quality of out voice by acting as resonating chambers. The sinuses are involved in many upper respiratory tract infections.

Para-nasal sinuses are air-filled spaces within bone. There are four named sinuses and these are the maxillary, frontal, ethmoidal, and sphenoidal sinuses. These sinuses are named after the bones in which they are located. The paranasal sinuses open into the nasal cavity and are lined with a mucus membrane. There are three primary functions of the sinuses. First, they decrease the weight of the skull. Second, they produce mucus. And third, they also affect the quality of out voice by acting as resonating chambers. The sinuses are involved in many upper respiratory tract infections.

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of any sinus, especially of one or more paranasal sinuses. It often follows an upper respiratory infection or cold, or an exacerbation of allergic rhinitis. It can result from inflammation due to allergies or polyps that obstruct a sinus opening into a nasal cavity. The inflammation can also be caused by viral infections like the common cold. The viral infection can cause mucous membranes to become inflamed, swell, and produce excess mucus. As a result, the sinus opening into the nasal cavity can be partially or completely blocked.

When mucus accumulates within the sinus, it can provide an excellent medium for bacterial growth, thus, it can promote the development of a bacterial infection. The upsurge of mucus and the inflammation of mucus membranes due to the infection produce pain. Other conditions that can obstruct the normal flow of sinus secretions include abnormal structure of the nose, enlarged, adenoids, diving and swimming, tooth infection, trauma to the nose, and the pressure of foreign objects.

If their openings into the nasal passages are clear, the infections resolve immediately. However, if the drainage is obstructed due to certain conditions like deviated septum, nasal polyps or tumors, sinus infection may persist as a secondary infection or progress to an acute suppurative process, causing purulent discharge.

Four types of sinusitis have been identified - acute, subacute, chronic, and allergic sinusitis. Acute sinusitis refers to rapid-onset infection in one or more of the paranasal sinuses that resolves with treatment. Subacute sinusitis is a persistent purulent nasal discharge despite therapy with symptoms lasting for less than three months. Chronic sinusitis occurs with episodes of prolonged inflammation and with repeated or inadequate treatment of acute infections. An irreversible damage to the mucosa may also occur. The symptoms last for longer for three months. Bacterial organisms like Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, and Moraxella catarrhalis are the most commonly associated organisms with sinusitis. Less common organisms include Streptococcus pyogenes, Chlamydia pneumoniae, and aspergillus fumigatus (fungi). Fungal infections may occur in immuno-suppressed patients.

The symptoms of sinusitis differ from people to people and depend on the age of the person. In adults, most infections involve the maxillary and anterior ethmoidal sinuses. Symptoms may include facial pain or pressure over the affected area, fatigue, facial pain, nasal obstruction, purulent nasal discharge, fever, headache, ear pain, and a sense of fullness. Other symptoms may also include dental pain, diminished sense of smell, sore throat, a periorbital edema in the morning, and a cough that becomes worse when the patient is in supine position. Acute sinusitis can be difficult to distinguish from an upper respiratory infection or allergic rhinitis. If fewer than two symptoms are present, then acute bacterial sinusitis is ruled out. However, the presence of four or more symptoms suggests acute bacterial sinusitis.

If not treated, acute sinusitis may lead to severe and rarely life-threatening complications such as meningitis, brain abscess, ischemic brain infarction, and osteomyelitis. Other complications of sinusitis include severe orbital cellulitis, subperiostal abscess, cavernous sinus thrombosis, and meningitis. Brain abscess may take place by direct spread and can be critical. Frontal epidural abscesses are typically inactive. The goal of treatment of acute sinusitis is focused the treatment of the infection, reduction of the inflammation, and relief of pain.

Antibiotic therapy is utilized to get rid of the infecting organism. First-line antibiotics include amoxicillin, ampicillin and erythromycin. Second-line antibiotics include cephalosporins like cefuroxime, cefprozil, and amoxicillin. Newer and more expensive antibiotics like macrolides, azithromycin, and quinolones such as levofloxacin can be used if the patient has a severe allergy to penicillin. Careful consideration must be given to the potential pathogen before antimicrobial agents are prescribed because of the resistance that has occurred.

Decongestants are also prescribed to promote sinus drainage, reduce tissue swelling, and relieve edema. When mucous membranes are less swollen, breathing is much easier and the movement of mucus out of the nasal cavity is increased. An example of a decongestant is Pseudo-ephedrine Hydrochloride. It acts by reducing the swelling by causing the release of norepinephrine from sympathetic neurons supplying blood vessels. It will increase the vaso-contriction of blood vessels in the mucus membranes. As a result, there would be reduction of blood flow as well as fluid movement from the blood into tissues. Nasal saline sprays are also available and these can improve the drainage of the sinuses. Topical decongestants should only be used in adults and should not be used for more than three to four days. Oral decongestants must be used cautiously in patients with hypertension. If an allergic component is suspected, antihistamines like diphenhydramine (Benadryl).

It is also advised to drink fluids like water and juice to maintain hydration. Steam inhalation is also considered in order to relieve the discomfort associated to the inflammation and these may be effective for opening blocked passages. If the patient continues to have symptoms after seven to ten days, the sinuses may need to be irrigated and hospitalization may be necessary.

Friday, April 9, 2010

What Is Microdermabrasion And How Does It Work?

Microdermabrasion is is a cosmetic procedure made popular in day and medical spas. In addition, many cosmetic/plastic surgeons provide microdermabrasion as part of their practice.

Microdermabrasion uses light abrasion to remove the outermost layer of skin called the stratum corneum, which is primarily comprised of dead skin cells. This is a very common technique used to remove skin that has been damaged by the sun or skin that has been scarred in one way or another. Microdermabrasion can also lighten or remove dark spots on the skin. Microdermbrasion of scars works best when the scar is one that is raised slightly above the normal surface of the skin.

The microdermabrasion process is not a painful process... it does not require any form of anesthetic. There are several methods used to perform microdermabrasion. In the crystal microdermabrasion process, tiny crystals are blasted at high speed onto the face to exfoliate and reduce the outer layer of skin. Diamond microdermabrasion uses a small, diamond-tipped head to exfoliate the skin.

Microdermabrasion systems used to be the domain of private, expensive spas and cosmetic surgeons. Now, home microdermabrasion is an extremely effective and relatively inexpensive option. Home microdermabrasion systems use tiny crystal particles to exfoliate skin. Home microdermabrasion is every bit as effective at producing the results that customers would pay significantly higher prices to achieve in a professional spa or doctor's office.

As with any other product, consumers need to do some research to determine the system that will work best for them. But I have been extremely pleased with the results I have been able to achieve with a system that costs me hundreds less per treatment, and can be used from the comfort of my own home. There are enough other procedures I still need to see my specialists for, so I choose to save money on the home products that work very well for me.

Enhancing Your Eyes With Contacts

If someone said they were wearing contacts you would probably assume that they have poor vision and are using the contacts in order to improve their eyesight. But what if they told you that there was nothing wrong with their eyes? Colored contacts and other variations are becoming more and more commonplace as time goes by. While you can get prescription contacts that change your eye color, you can most certainly have nothing wrong with your eyes and still purchase some cool looking contacts to change your appearance. But contacts now don't just stop at changing the color, you can also get designs over your eyes. Maybe you're dressing up for Halloween and want fire over your eyes, or maybe you're going to your local basketball game and want your favorite teams logo in both of your eyes. With custom contacts all of this is possible and at a relatively low price.

Some people on the other hand are reluctant to get such things simply because they see it as possibly being superficial or fake about their appearance. But just as having braces, fake tanning, or coloring your hair are things that alter your appearance, you shouldn't hold off on getting contacts that change the way your eyes look. As long as you are doing things because you enjoy it then you shouldn't feel bad about altering certain things about yourself. So if you're looking for a quick easy way to give yourself a new look, check out some cool contacts!

Eyebrow Waxing-Quick Beauty Tip

If you don't have sensitive skin, and can manage a quick little bit amount of pain, one of the easiest ways to clean up your look is by eyebrow waxing. Men and women wax their eyebrows to help cleanup their appearance while removing unwanted hair. If you have irritable skin then waxing may not be the best answer for you, check out plucking. Typically we recommend going to a professional the first few times if you are new to the process. Be sure to get them cleaned up a few times by a professional, you'll be up and running in no time.

If on the other hand you've gotten your eyebrows waxed for some time then you may be ready to wax your own eyebrows. The very first thing that you'll want to do is make sure that you've purchased the best waxing kit available. A top of the line waxing kit will have all the essentials including, a high quality wax, fabric strips, spatula and an overall use of high quality materials. Most high quality kits will even include a soothing cream that will help relax the skin after waxing. Soothing cream is primarily used to help reduce rashes and irritations as well.

Generally the process of waxing your eyebrows isn't very technical. First you want to make sure that you have at least a 1/4" long brow currently, otherwise you may remove all of your eyebrows. Take a look at some pictures to help gauge what type of look you are going for, make sure that you've combed the brow into its natural direction and look. At this point you will want to tie your hair so it doesn't get into the way, this makes sure that you don't wax off your hair while giving you more room to see what you are doing. You will want to find a small comb, or even a small toothbrush for the brushing part. If after combing your eyebrows and you still have a few hairs that aren't cooperating you'll want to trim them with a pair of scissors.

Now you are ready to begin the waxing process, you will now need to prep the area around the brow. This will mean you need to apply a pre-wax cleanser to the eyebrows and the area directly around the skin, and begin applying a small portion of powder to the area. Here comes the most crucial part, start to put the wax on in the flow of your eyebrow hair. Only apply the wax to the area of your hair that you want removed, when applying the wax be conservative or you may end up removing hair you don't want removed. Apply your strip to the direction in which the hair is growing, keep a little bit of the paper left at the end so that you can use it to pull off the wax. Put the strips on evenly by thoroughly pressing them onto your brow when applied. Once you've established that you have it on properly, Should on to the strip that is not attached to your hair, and abruptly pull it up.

Continue the process to the areas that need help, and then you are finished! You will instantly start looking better after your eyebrow waxing.

SPRAY TAN AT HOME-the best tan you can get without getting skin cancer;

Why is it that we never listen to our parents and we never want to wear the sunscreen at the beach or while we are out in the hot sun? Then, we become teenagers and young adults and we start using the tanning beds like crazy so we can attract someone to us and look our best when we are out. Next, thing you know we are in our 40s our skin looks like old leather and we have patches of skin cancer from the sun and the tanning beds. This is exactly why the spray tan at home has become so popular.

You need to know that tanning beds and laying out for countless hours in the sun are the two worst ways to get a great tan. First, you can get burned from both. Second, you can get skin cancer from both. Third, getting an even tan from both is difficult. Last, there are better options that are safer and quicker.

The best option for anybody wanting a celebrity type of tan is to use a spray tan at home product that is not found in stores. This product is called Idol Tan and it is what all the hot shots in Hollywood use to make sure they have the perfect tan. You can use it right in your home and it will make you tan in a matter of minutes. Plus you can apply it so that you end up with a full and even tan on your entire body.

You could be cheap about it and pick up a spray tanning product at a drugstore, but that might be the product that turns your skin orange or you could even have an allergic reaction to it as well. This is not safe and on top of that Idol tan lets you try their product for a few bucks to help cover shipping and handling. This means you can get the proof you need that it actually works before you spend your hard earned cash to get that perfect tan

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Cure Acne Forever

Acne is common and is known as a chronic skin disorder. There are many ways to tackle your acne but relying on products are not promising and can result in breakouts if you stop using the product.
Here are a few way to improve your complexion naturally:
1. Using orange peels are great and have been proven effective. Get the peel of an orange and soak it in water, continue pouring water over the orange peel and smash the peel on a clean rock. Rubbing the peel on your face and areas where acne is present will help clear up these areas.
2. Garlic is another proven way to fight the toughest acne, rubbing garlic juice on your skin daily can help fight breakouts and pimples. Eating three garlic seeds a day for a month will help your skin further, purifying your blood circulation.
3. Lemon juice is great for eliminating pimples and bad acne as well, apply lemon juice to pimples and face daily for better results. Cucumbers can help your skin naturally exfoliate, placing cucumber slices on the skin can improve your complexion and help prevent blackheads and pimples.
4. Remember to wash your face in the morning and at night, at night your skin is the dirtiest and using hot water before applying any sort of acne product is best. This opens your pores and helps eliminate dirt. Try taking a warm salt bath as well, this will help your skin completely cure itself of acne. Warm bathes help cure every kind of acne.
5. Having a healthy diet is the most important part in achieving amazing skin, avoid consumption of bad sugars at all costs and try watching you diet carefully, you are what you eat!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Acne Facial Treatments

There are times when even the best facial treatments give you acne. This simply happens because you choose facial on the basis of costs, or products, or even because your friend gets it done. If you have sensitive skin or are prone to acne then you need to get acne facial treatments.
Your facial choice should be on the basis of your skin type. So those with sensitive skins should opt for facial treatment for sensitive skin and those with acne should get acne facial treatments. Acne is an acute problem, and the wrong facial would only worsen your problem.
Apart from the regular benefits of a facial including cleansing, toning, and firming, acne facial treatments are the best skin treatments for combating acne. Unlike other facials the products used here have ingredients that fight the growth of acne, and help you get rid of acne marks too.
Creams, lotions and other products, which are used in the treatment, focus on getting rid of acne, in the long run. Keep in mind that acne is the result of genetics, poor diet, hormones, and lifestyle. The best facial treatments that help in getting rid of acne include creams and lotions suitable for your skin type. As the skin is kept free from pore-clogging dust along with environmental pollution acne is avoided.
Another cause of acne is buildup of dirt and accumulated impurities, which blocks the pores and leads to growth of Propionibacterium acne. But with regular facials the skin's pores are unclogged and one is able to get rid of such impurities.
The methods used in acne facial treatments are different, especially if acne is prominent on the face. In such cases vigorous exfoliation is avoided, and the facialist has to be informed about any topical retinoid or cream that you may be using. Consult a dermatologist before getting a facial, or ask the expert to suggest if a facial would be apt for you.
In some cases where the acne causes pus, or leads to intense scars, facials have to be done only after professional consultation. If any wrong product is used on the acne, or intense scrubbing or massaging is done then the acne problem would only get worse. For those who have skin with intense acne then it is best to wait for a few days and apply topical medications, and avoid getting facials. Nevertheless special treatments can be availed, where you can opt for massaging and steaming, without the scrubbing routine.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Acne Natural Medicine - Best Alternative Acne Treatments

Every year, people spend millions of dollars on acne treatments, ranging from over-the-counter benzoyl peroxide creams to cosmetic surgery. But even with modern medical techniques, stubborn acne can resist treatment and continue to cause embarrassment and loss of self-esteem. With acne natural medicine, you can erase your acne with herbal remedies that you can make yourself or purchase for a modest price. Stop wasting money on expensive, ineffective medications and start treating your acne at home for the best results.
The following blemish treatments listed here have helped countless acne sufferers to eliminate breakouts and achieve smooth, even skin.
Vitamins Increasing your daily intake of vitamins A, E, and niacin can quickly improve the appearance of your skin. Taking a daily supplement is the best way to get the right amount of these important nutrients. Be sure to talk to your doctor before beginning a vitamin therapy regimen, as certain vitamins can cause adverse effects if they build up in your system.
There is increasing evidence to indicate that zinc can be highly effective for combating acne. Try taking a zinc supplement, or use topical creams containing zinc to fight your pimples.
Lemon Juice
Juice from fresh lemons, applied to the skin regularly, can erase your acne and leave your skin smooth, clear and refreshed.
Orange Peel
Grind the peel from an orange with a mortar and pestle, and mix the pulp with warm water. Apply the resulting paste to your face once daily.
Nutmeg and Milk
Many people have reported positive results after using a mixture of nutmeg and milk. Grate a fresh clove of nutmeg and mix it with a small amount of milk; apply to the affected area for at least one hour, then wash away with a gentle cleanser.
The healing properties of soothing cucumber can help eliminate your pimples. Apply slices of fresh cucumber to your skin once per day until the acne lesions heal.
Rubbing fresh garlic over the affected area of your skin three times a day can help kill the bacteria that cause acne and promote healing. Eating garlic daily is a good way to eliminate the toxins from your body and speed your natural healing process.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Acne Gone Forever

ACNE 101
The most common form of acne is known as acne vulgaris which literally means "common acne". Severe acne is inflammatory, However, it can disguise itself in non-inflammatory form too. Many teenagers get Common Acne.
"A healthy diet is important for improving raw materials for healthy skin," These are words from American Academy of Dermatology. Regular use of it, however, can cause acne. If alcohol is mixed with it, this drug can cause a series of horrid symptoms which aims to halt the mixing. Here are some known drugs which produce acne:
For epileptic patients, there is what we call anticonvulsants. This drug is made especially for alcoholic patients.
You would have small, small, rashy pink bumps on the cheeks, chin and forehead. Some believe that small amounts of the sun exposure may initially improve acne. Some parts of your skin may be always in contact with your environment. Where does your make-up go after the whole day of wearing it in your face? Some might be stroked off your skin, while some migrates across your skin, settling in your pores. It can also be your sleeping habits.
But it can help to agitate it. Thus, it also helps you metabolize protein, sugar & fat raising your energy through appropriate consumption of food. But don't worry. It's a human nature. When it comes to your mouth area, consider the best lip lubricant for you. If there are no bad signs showing on it after three days, then apply the product to a larger part of your skin. And never, ever use hair products when you would exercise. Checking your vitamins' iodine content should be done too; it is because bigger than 150 mcg RDA may worsen your acne. If you start seeing bad effects, consider trying a less oily product for your lips. Better use powder or gel blushes too instead of cream ones.
With the needle, moderately stab the exterior of the pimple. The cysts or nodules should just remain untouched. Sheathe your index fingers with two plies of tissues.
You wouldn't want that, would you? So why do this kind of regime? Forget staying below the sun for hours and hours if it would just make your skin condition worse. But if you combat it with a defence system against acne, you would be able to disprove the former theory. People in the old days believe that acne has these characteristics things you might consider earlier in your life. Reality: As written earlier, in a short-term duration, the sun might work to clear your acne immediately while your skin turns red. Shocked now and gaping? Well, get a load of these.
It would balance out your body's hormonal levels. There would be a huge change on your face after a few weeks and days have gone by. Acne scars treatments can be as high as 3,000 In today's looming crisis, you cannot just throw an amount like that in a snap because you wouldn't find a replacement for that in an instant too. It would manifest its shocking miracles as a corroboration for your doubts. Dirt and oil alone cannot be the main reasons in acquiring acne. The miracle wonders this program offers shall guard your skin and keep it sanitized without having the yucky feeling again.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Natural Remedies - Recommended Foods to Heal Yourself of Acne

If you suffer from acne at anytime, then you should examine what you are eating. The processed foods is usually the link to acne outbreaks. A diet that is more natural will be the best option for anyone dealing with bad skin.
Dark Greens and Orange vegetables like Carrots, Squash, and Pumpkin contains Beta-carotene. Being essential for skin growth and an antioxidant, beta-carotene will strengthen the immune system. While repairing damaged skin, and replacing them with healthy skin cells. Eating them raw or steaming lightly is the best method for ingestion. So they can retain their nutrients.
Nuts and seeds like Almonds, Pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds are rich in Vitamin E and Essential fatty acids. The essential fatty acids keeps the skin moisturized, while Vitamin E neutralizes free radicals and regulates the functions of Vitamin A.
Replacing Fruits as your source of sweets will be another great choice when dealing with acne. Simple carbohydrates allows the body to become acidic. An acidic body is a great environment for bacteria to produce in your body. Sweets also causes an increase blood sugar regulating insulin. Which causes skin inflammation.
If you need that morning pick me up Herbal Teas are best options for you. Caffeine is known to dry out your skin. Which leads to poor circulation in skin cells. Herbal teas on the other hand will make sure oxidation in your body gets eliminated.
A detoxification process will make things easier on your body to take away the toxic buildup. A three day vegetable juice fast will release most if not all the toxins in your body. Juices made out of Apples, carrots, and beets with their tops on are best for Acne cleansing. Mix these juices with Wheatgrass, Spirulina, or Chlorella and you will be in good money.