Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Fat Loss Data - Lose Fat by Lifting Weights

These days working out is a fashionable activity for those looking to get in shape. The goal is to build muscle, burn fat, and feel better. Particularly, people will look to lift weights to build up muscle and perform plenty of cardio to burn fat.
Now, this is a very wise and effective strategy for weight loss . However, many people will look at both of these activities as mutually exclusive. That is to say, pumping iron only builds muscle and consequently, cardio is needed to burn fat.
In reality, lifting weights helps burn fat spectacularly. In actual fact, one of these reasons some people never burn off stored fat is because they do not put in enough time lifting heavy weights.
FYI.. Lifting Weights Leads to Fat Loss In general, when you lift weights, you are overloading the muscles in your body. Consequently, they must work much harder to handle those reps and routines.
Your body resists strenuous activity and your muscles repair themselves and grow while you rest. This means the body will have to burn calories to grow the muscles. Accordingly, weightlifting leads to the burning of extra calories long after you have finished your workout. Plus, this can lead to burning extra calories when you sleep!
Furthermore, once the muscle is developed, it will require even more calories to maintain its size and shape. The more muscles you have, the more calories you will burn. Some may not believe this to be the case, but it all is simply basic biology. Your body's metabolism needs to work overtime to maintain the muscle size to handle the work load you are subjecting it to.
The Physical Activity of Weight Lifting Certainly, you will also burn calories when you are lifting weights. All physical exercise will lead to burning calories because they involve movement and motion.
A strength, or bodybuilding workout is not really a great way of burning off calories since it does not get your heart rate up, however, it will still burn a modest amount of calories. On the other hand, if you do want to convert your weightlifting session into a more efficient calorie burning venue, doing so only takes a minor alteration.
In weight resistance strength training, you lift reasonably heavy weighs for low repetitions. If you want to burn additional calories, you simply use light weights for very high repetitions.
In this manner, you will be involving more physical activity during the weight lifting procedure. As well, your movements will be much quicker because the weights are lighter. The additional speed of these movements will yield even more additional calories burned.
Therefore, if you are looking to burn extra calories and are at a loss as how to do this, then definitely give weight training a try. It will work remarkably well for anyone wanting to burn off those extra pounds since that's how your body reacts to it.

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